The Advent Angel and the Children
Puppet Play for the Fourth Advent Sunday
Table is set with a scene
conveying a garden. Small plants around. Some greens and mosses. On a table
close by is the crèche, in a setting still rather bare with more green boughs, the
rocks, crystals and shells from last week and a few green plants. Red apples
(real and artificial may decorate as well as some red roses, real or
artificial. Animals have been added to the scene (wooden, knitted, etc.) Mother
Mary and Father Joseph may be in the stable or on their way. Shepherds may
already be in the garden with their sheep. The Advent Wreath is present on/ in
the Garden or on a separate table.
Dear children and families,
friends and relations, welcome to the fourth Advent Sunday Garden. Here is a
little play about a time long, long ago, about two thousand years ago. Our
beautiful earth was suffering from the cruelty of Mankind. And Humankind was
suffering because we had forgotten our Heavenly birthright and who we really
are in God. So the Son of God was sent down to the Earth to remind human beings
of who we really are and to help us turn away from ways that bring us pain and
make us forget how to love each other. He came to bring Love back to human
hearts, the Divine Love of God that heals us, makes us happy and teaches us how
to love each other as the Angels and Archangels love us, no matter what we do.
This beautiful Child, the Christ
Child, who was born so long ago in a humble stable in Bethlehem came to teach
us how to love the Divine Father and the Heavenly world again and how to love
each other as we love ourselves. For if we love God and each other, we could
never want to do or say anything that would be hurtful to anyone else or to
Each year, the time of the Christ
Child’s birth comes again. And in truth, He is born again every year in our
hearts. Every year we must make ourselves ready to receive Him again and to
prepare our homes and our souls to house and nurture Him. As we love our
families and friends and prepare gifts, good food and fun things to do to make
each other happy, we can feel that we are doing these things for the Divine
Child who lives among us. So let us begin together to prepare for His coming,
for the Advent of His Birth into our lives once again.
It is said that before the time
of the Christ Child’s birth, the Human Kingdom was the fourth and final one to
wake up, to be aware of His imminent approach. Today it is a few days before
Christmas and the Earth, her crystals and stones, her plants and fairies already
feel the approach of the Divine Child. The animal kingdom has woken up. Our
dear friends and companions, wild and tame are waiting for the Christ Child in
the garden. But where are the people? Will human beings also hear the news of His
coming and see the signs in the Heavens in time to be there to greet Him? Let
us follow these children, a boy and a girl living at the time of the Christ
Child’s birth. Perhaps this is how they learned that Love was coming back to
the Earth, to bring gratitude and healing back to our relationships with the
Earth, her plants, her animals and with each other.
Two children are wandering alone.
Little Sister Says –
Dear Brother, how much farther is it to home? I am so tired
and hungry and the night is so cold!
Little Brother Says -
I am sorry, dear Sister. I think that we have wandered far
away. I thought that I knew the way back, but I can’t find it. I can usually
find things by the night stars, but there is a new star in the sky tonight and
it is so bright that I can’t make out the smaller stars.
Little Sister Says –
I am sorry to be a burden to you, dear Brother. But I am so
worried about our mother who is ill and our father whose strength has been
failing him for some time now. I would like to be able to help them in some
way, little though it may be.
Little Brother Says -
I understand, dear Sister. I feel the same way. I am not old
enough to do everything, but I want to do what I can to help.
The Fourth Advent Angel appears (from viewing left) –
yellow or golden robe with angel tunic and wings
Sings -
Said the night wind to the little lamb,
do you see what I see
Way up in the sky, little lamb,
do you see what I see
A star, a star, dancing in the night
With a tail as big as a kite
With a tail as big as a kite
She stops and sees the children.
Advent Angel
Greetings dear Children, from Heaven on High
I heard you lamenting as I was passing by
Whatever is the matter, what grieves you dear children so?
If there is a way to help you, please just let me know.
Little Sister Says –
Greetings dear Angel
from Heaven on High
We heard your sweet
singing as you were passing by
The dark night has
fallen and gone is the day
The sun set so fast
and we lost our way
Little Brother Says -
Small jobs we were seeking to help out at home
We didn’t expect so much farther to roam
Normally night is a starry-filled friend
And usually stars help us to homeward wend
Little Sister Says –
Now here shines a new star so big and so bright
That outshines the guiding stars there in the night
The paths are all lit up as clear as the day
But only our home stars can show us the way
Little Brother Says -
What star is that shining in heavenly hues
Our grandmother says that the stars bring us news
But only a wise man can say what they mean
Does it augur some good or some evil foreseen?
Advent Angel
Dear Boy and Dear Girl, please don’t be afraid
I’ll help you to find your way back to your home
But first there is something to see on the way
I promise you’ll surely not journey alone
Yes, it is new, this brilliant, bright star!
It augurs a Saviour whose birth was foretold
For all of Mankind who has fallen so far
His story was written in tablets of old
Little Sister Says –
Grandfather read from the tablets and scrolls
And spoke of Messiah we’re all waiting for
The stories of old, are they coming true now?
Is he here among us, is this the right hour?
Little Brother Says -
Where is he living? In which stately palace
Will someday he come to our poor humble town?
Can we run out to greet him and bring him sweet laurels?
Would he ever descend from his high kingly throne?
Advent Angel
Oh yes, dear sweet children, He’s coming among you
No palace or throne will our good Savior need
No treasure or crown will our Lord ever make due
He has no part in human power or greed
No silken bed waits him, but only good silage
No garments of gold will our sweet Christ Child wear
He’s journeying now to your own lowly village
On a donkey, who carries his mother with care
Little Sister Says –
What do you mean by
a bed of good silage?
That’s fodder for
beasts, the hay and the oats.
No one I know of
would sleep in a stable
With cows and with
sheep and sometimes with goats!
Little Brother Says -
What kind of a king would go sleep in a stable?
Oh Angel, you’re jesting, you’re having a joke
Why not sleep in a clean bed if someone is able?
This man will lie down with a pig in a poke?
Advent Angel
No I am not joking, though perhaps it sounds silly
But strangest of all is that he’s not a man
But only newborn, a tiny wee baby
Whose bed will be hay in a manger at hand
To a stable in Bethlehem His Mother is coming
We must now make haste to welcome him there
This bright star will guide us, so follow it gladly
New life is upon us, so do not despair
Little Sister Says –
Dear Angel, we have
to believe what you tell us
But how can a Savior
be less than a King?
How can he free us
from sorrow and suffering
What help can He
offer, what hope can He bring?
Little Brother Says -
A tiny wee baby can’t heal all the illness
That people are having, can’t rescue the lame
A heavenly child, no matter how lovely
Is only a child, not a man, all the same.
Advent Angel
And you are a boy and your sister a girl child
But who knows what healing you bring to the world?
The time will pass quickly for you both to grow up
And all of the gifts in your hearts to be freed
Even a king must be born to a Mother
And this king of kings will be born just the same
But as he grows up, just like you little brother,
He’ll bless and he’ll heal both the blind and the lame
But more than the wonders and beautiful blessings
He’ll bring to the people who meet with him then
Is the power of forgiveness and true selfless loving
The ground of this world now forgotten by men
The Earth has been dying, herself the first victim
Since humankind first turned to evil and crime
But no matter how far they turn from the Heavens
All will be rescued by love and in time.
Away now let’s go to be ready and waiting
To see how the wonder of God shall unfold
To give gifts to the Christ Child and give them all freely
The gifts of the heart are more precious than gold.
Little Sister Says –
What gifts can we bring to this dear precious baby?
Our family is poor with just barely enough
To feed and to clothe us and keep us in shelter
Our furnishings simple, our fabrics are rough.
Little Brother Says -
If I just were older, I’d work in the wheat fields
Or pick the blue grapes to make into wine
But I cannot earn even one silver penny
To buy Him a gift of something so fine.
Advent Angel
Dear Children, fear not and approach empty handed
The gifts of real value are there in your heart
The love that awakens when first you will see Him
Will be more than enough of a gift on your part
For this love will always be all that He asks for
From all Humankind to nourish and grow
A new world of peace and of joy and of healing
From one to another His blessings to show
A new star is shining, a new song is rising
Your tongues will find words for the love that you feel
And each passing lifetime will bring you much closer
To a new world more honest, more good and more real.
And so with the Advent Angel to
lead them, the Children came to the humble stable in Bethlehem. Other children
joined them, led by Angels and Stars and they gazed in wide wonder at the
infant of Light. This miracle passes beyond understanding, the Blessing of God
that was born in the night.
So, let us make ready our gifts,
no matter how simple or humble they may be. We bring what is good, true and
beautiful within us and wait, like the Children to serve Him when He calls us.
Come, return to the stable again to wait with all of our brothers and sisters,
for that very happy day!
In the fourth candle of Advent shine
Our open hearts, both yours and mine.
We can now fill our hearts with love
And shining light from heaven above.
Now we are on the earth,
Waiting for the Christ Child’s birth.
Advent Angel
(speaking to the Advent Garden and the Human
figures placed there)
“I am the Fourth Advent Angel! O
Humans! You who live in North and South, East and West, From mountain to
seaside, from desert to jungle, I call upon Humankind to Wake Up! The Turning
Point of Time is upon us. The Lord of the Dance will soon be among you. Tune
your hearts to the music of the spheres. Wake up and Rejoice, O People!”
Copyright 2013
Christine Natale
Do You Hear What I
Said the night wind to the little lamb,
do you see what I see
Way up in the sky, little lamb,
do you see what I see
A star, a star, dancing in the night
With a tail as big as a kite
With a tail as big as a kite
Said the little lamb to the shepherd boy,
do you hear what I hear
Ringing through the sky, shepherd boy,
do you hear what I hear
A song, a song, high above the trees
With a voice as big as the sea
With a voice as big as the sea
Said the shepherd boy to the mighty king,
do you know what I know
In your palace warm, mighty king,
do you know what I know
A Child, a Child shivers in the cold
Let us bring Him silver and gold
Let us bring Him silver and gold
Said the king to the people everywhere,
listen to what I say
Pray for peace, people everywhere!
listen to what I say
The Child, the Child, sleeping in the night
He will bring us goodness and light
He will bring us goodness and light
The Children of
The children of Bethlehem,
One cold winter's night,
Were wakened by singing,
And a heavenly light.
With whispers and murmurs,
On pattering feet,
The children of Bethlehem
Came into the street.
The people were sleeping,
All safely in bed.
The children heard singing
In the sky overhead.
They heard, "Peace will be with you,
Whoever you are.
Oh, come to the stable
Come, follow the Star!"
And the children of Bethlehem,
That cold winter's night,
Came down to the stable;
They followed the light.
Now the roosters were crowing,
At the dawning of day.
The baby lay sleeping.
In the manger he lay.
The children of Bethlehem,
Came in two by two.
They came to the manger,
That the Star brought them to.
They came to the manger,
Where the sweet Baby lay.
The children of Bethlehem,
Showed us the way.
People Look East
Words and Music: Eleanor Farjeon (1881-1965), 1928
MIDI / Noteworthy Composer
1. People, look east. The time is near
Of the crowning of the year.
Make your house fair as you are able,
Trim the hearth and set the table.
People, look east and sing today:
Love, the guest, is on the way.
2. Furrows, be glad. Though earth is bare,
One more seed is planted there:
Give up your strength the seed to nourish,
That in course the flower may flourish.
People, look east and sing today:
Love, the rose, is on the way.
3. Birds, though you long have ceased to build,
Guard the nest that must be filled.
Even the hour when wings are frozen
God for fledging time has chosen.
People, look east and sing today:
Love, the bird, is on the way.
4. Stars, keep the watch. When night is dim
One more light the bowl shall brim,
Shining beyond the frosty weather,
Bright as sun and moon together.
People, look east and sing today:
Love, the star, is on the way.
5. Angels, announce with shouts of mirth
Christ who brings new life to earth.
Set every peak and valley humming
With the word, the Lord is coming.
People, look east and sing today:
Love, the Lord, is on the way.
Bring a Torch,
Jeanette Isabella
Bring a torch, Jeanette, Isabella
Bring a torch, come swiftly and run.
Christ is born, tell the folk of the village,
Jesus is sleeping in His cradle,
Ah, ah, beautiful is the mother,
Ah, ah, beautiful is her Son.
Hasten now, good folk of the village,
Hasten now, the Christ Child to see.
You will find Him asleep in a manger,
Quietly come and whisper softly,
Hush, hush, peacefully now He slumbers,
Hush, hush, peacefully now He sleeps.
Un flambeau,
Jeannette, Isabelle
Un flambeau,
courons au berceau.
C’est Jésus,
bonnes gens du hameau,
Le Christ est né,
Marie appelle
Ah! Ah! Que la
mère est belle
Ah! Ah! Que
l’Enfant est beau.
Qui vient là
frappant de la sorte
Qui vient là
frappant comme ça.
Ouvrez donc j’ai
posé sur un plat
De bons gâteaux
qu’ici j’apporte.
Toc! Toc!
Ouvrez-nous la porte
Toc! Toc! Faisons
grand gala.
C’est un tort
quand l’Enfant sommeille
C’est un tort de
crier si fort.
Taisez-vous l’un
et l’autre d’abord,
Au moindre bruit
Jésus s’éveille
Chut! Chut! Il
dort à merveille
Chut! Chut! Voyez
comme Il dort.
Doucement dans
l’étable close
Doucement venez
un moment
Approchez! Que
Jésus est charmant,
Comme Il est
blanc, comme Il est rose
Do! Do! Que l’Enfant repose
Do! Do! Qu’Il rie
en dormant.
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