Sunday, September 29, 2024

The Golden Soldier



The Golden Soldier 

by Christine Natale 

Illustrations by Natalya Yeshchenko

This story is lovingly dedicated to 

Alan Howard 

Waldorf Educator and Mentor

Who saw the Golden Soldier in me


Copyright 2010

Straw Into Gold Press

All Rights Reserved


Once  upon a time, there was a handsome young soldier who had just finished fighting in a war. His country was now at peace, but the young man decided that he liked to fight in battle and that he would become a soldier of fortune. So the young man set off into the world, looking for battles to join and glory to win.


After a while he came to a village. When he entered the village, he found people sitting in the streets. He was amazed to find no one working. The people were mostly sitting quietly on logs or benches, or under trees. No one was building or fixing or moving anything. Even the children were too lazy to play and sat about idle. Everyone looked hungry and filthy and many were sick. The young soldier stopped in front of a large group and asked why they were not working.


“What is the use?” replied one old man slowly, “I remember a day, long ago, when people worked but that was before we fell under the rule of our king.”


“The king forbids you to work?” asked the soldier.


“No, but he taxes us so heavily that there is nothing left for our use. He takes all of our food, money, craft items and anything useful for himself so that we have no more than you see now.

We decided long ago not to produce anything, as it will only be taken away.” replied the old man.


“That is ridiculous!” exclaimed the young man, “Why do you not take up arms against him and rebuild your village?”

“There is no use,” answered the villager, “We have no weapons, our tools are broken, we have no money for materials and most of our young people are ill or undernourished. There is nothing that we can do.”


The young soldier thought to himself, “I could fight with these people and help them but I cannot fight for them all by myself.”


So he left the village in disgust.



After a while, he came to a town. The people in the town seemed busy enough but as soon as they saw the soldier, they scurried into their houses like mice into their holes and the soldier could hear all the bolts slam shut.


“Hallo-o! Hallo-o!” cried the soldier, “Good day to ye!

But no one answered him and no one came out of their house.


The soldier passed through he town, unable to find a bite to eat, even where the sign said tavern or inn.


When he reached the other side of the town though, one door opened a see crack and a lady stretched out her finger and beckoned to him.


“What do you want here - what is your business?” she hissed through the crack.

“Good day mother! I’ve come into the world to fight battles,” said the soldier.

“Hush! Not so loud! The walls have ears and even the trees have eyes, you know.”


Then she explained to the soldier that the town was under the control of a terrible tyrant. This tyrant had created such a big web of spies and trickery that the people had become afraid of each other. People were thrown into dungeons anytime their neighbors reported any misdeed, however small. And everyone told tales about everyone else in an effort to keep themselves out of trouble. No one liked or trusted anyone else, not even in their own families.


“How can you live in such a way!” said the soldier, “Why do you not take up arms and overthrow the tyrant?”


“No one could trust anyone else to make such plans and not turn them in. It is quite impossible.” answered the lady.


Just at that moment, a band of townspeople swarmed down the street, eagerly pointing to the young man and he could see that they were leading the way for the tyrant’s guards, so he took to his heels and ran until he was well away.



In a week or two he found himself in a city that was beautifully built and gloriously decorated. The citizens wore gold and jewelry and much finery and the soldier was greatly impressed. But after he had been in the city a while, he began to notice that the people all had very haughty and superior expressions on their faces and that everyone looked at him like he was a simpleton.

In fact, they all looked at each other that way, too!



So he asked his innkeeper why everyone seemed so proud.



“Why shouldn’t we be proud,” asked the innkeeper in return, “We live in the biggest city in the world, the richest city in the world and everyone is so educated that we all know everything.”



The soldier had already seen bigger and finer cities and it was a little hard to believe that everyone could know everything, so he asked the innkeeper to prove it.



“Sure.” said the innkeeper, “Just ask me anything.”


So the young man began to ask questions like what are two and two, what kind of animal lays eggs, what color is the grass and how do you say the alphabet?


“Two and two are nine, donkeys lay eggs, the grass is blue and the alphabet goes S,Q,O,L,T,I . . . ”


“Stop!” shouted the soldier, “That is all wrong!”


"It cannot be wrong,” said the innkeeper indignantly, “Because we have all of our facts straight from our ruler, who is a very wise dictator. His answers are the only ones allowed and they are always right!”


The innkeeper went off in an angry huff and the soldier decided to leave a city where everyone was ignorant and proud of it. He passed through the city gates in great despair


* * * * * *


The road led him through a great forest and after three days he found a little hut. He knocked and a kind old woman came to the door and bade him enter. When the young soldier was fed and rested, he told the old woman all that he had seen and heard and he said,



“I would like to fight to free those people from their oppressors but I can’t do it alone and they don’t seem to want to free themselves.”



“No one will follow you, my son, until you have the golden sword and shield which the dragon is guarding in a cave on the mountain.  If you had the golden sword, they would all follow you into freedom.”



“Is that all?” said the soldier. “Fighting a dragon is not too difficult. That is what I’ll do – I’ll get the sword and come back to free the people.”


“You have my blessing my son.” said the old woman. And the young man set off again.





When he reached the dragon’s cave in the mountain, the brash young fellow whooped and hollered until the dragon woke up from his nap. The dragon slithered off his glittering treasure hoard and crawled out of the cave into the daylight. The dragon did not take kindly to being woken up.


He fought a great battle with the soldier but in the end, the soldier won and the dragon lay dead.



Then the young man rushed into the cave and began to look for the golden sword. He spent hours and hours. He opened every treasure chest and he moved every diamond bracelet. He turned over every gold coin but he finally realized that there was no golden sword to be found. He was so angry and frustrated that he sat down on a treasure chest and cried.



The soldier had never cried before in his life - but he had never felt so frustrated before, either. He cried and cried so much that a pool of tears began to form on the floor at his feet. He did not notice until he stopped, that the floor of the dragon’s cave, being magic, had turned the tears to gold, which lay in a solid lump at his feet. He picked up the heavy lump and wondered aloud,



“Now what in the world should I do with this?”


“Take it to the dwarfs.” said a mysterious voice.


The soldier looked around and he saw a golden cup encircled with jewels standing alone on a high stone pedestal. A light was shining from the cup and the voice seemed to come from it, too. As the soldier stared, it spoke again.



“Take it to the dwarfs deep in the mountain and they will fashion the gold into a sword for you. And take me with you, too.”


Then the light went out and the soldier took hold of the cup. Behind the pedestal was a door. There was a long narrow stairway that went down. The soldier went down, down, down hundreds and hundreds of stairs until it seemed that he was at the very center of the earth. There he found an enormous cavern full of dwarfs busily working at goldsmithing. They did not seem surprised to see him and they took the gold from him and set to work on the sword.



Although the dwarfs appeared to be working very busily, every time the soldier asked for the sword, the dwarfs said, “It is not ready yet.” The task was taking so long that he grew very impatient. To amuse himself, he took the golden cup out of the sack and began to examine it. There were seven jewels embedded around the cup and the soldier spent one day looking at each jewel.



On the first day,

the soldier looked at a beautiful green emerald.

As he did so, it revealed to him everything there is to see of the beauty of the earth.



On the second day,

a deep blue sapphire showed him

the unfathomable mystery of the heavenly sky.




On the third day,

a fiery red ruby taught him about

the purifying power of flame.


On the fourth day,

a golden yellow topaz took him through

the secrets of time.



On the fifth day,

a delicate peach tourmaline brought him to

the mystery of the human heart.



On the sixth day,

a violet amethyst taught him

the language of the wind.



On the seventh day,

the purest sparkling diamond gave him

the wisdom of the light.


When the soldier had completed the round of jewels he began to weep. This time his tears were tears of compassion for the earth and everything upon the earth, for mankind and everything that mankind is, was and could be. And so many tears of love were shed that they filled the cup to the brim.



When he stopped crying, the soldier looked up and saw a great crowd of dwarfs in a circle around him.




“That is what we have been waiting for.” said the chief goldsmith, “Now pour your tears into the fire.”



The soldier emptied the cup into the forge, where the tears immediately became molten gold. From this gold, the dwarfs fashioned a magnificent shield.


“Now the sword can be completed.” said the chief dwarf, “We could not do so without the shield.”




Last,  he took the cup from the soldier and melted it down and made a golden crown with the jewels set all around it.




When all was ready, the dwarfs presented the sword, shield and crown to soldier and showed him the way back to the surface of the earth.


When the young man arrived in the world again, he found to his surprise that each day that he had spent looking at the jewels had been ten years upon the earth! He had not aged at all but everyone else had. The people he had met were either very old or had died and a new generation of young people had been born.



The soldier found that the evil king who ruled the village had been replaced by his son and his son’s son, both of whom were just as oppressive. The people still had not begun to work at all. But as the soldier entered the village, he carried the golden sword high and upright. And as it shone in the sun, they young people picked themselves up out of the dust and began to follow in a crowd behind him.


Then the soldier spoke to the young people about freedom and the satisfaction to be found in good labor.



The young people heard and understood and for the first time in memory, they began to collect materials and to fashion tools. They worked long and hard and in the end were able to create for themselves all that they needed to rebuild their lives. They also fashioned weapons to defend themselves against the king. They decided to give the king a small share, but only as much as was his due and they were able to uphold that decision.



Then the golden soldier passed on to the hostile town. There, the younger people came out from behind closed doors and when they were assembled, the soldier turned his shield to face them. The mirror-smooth golden surface reflected each one back and revealed every fault and every lie. No deception could live in the face of it.



When the intricate web of mistrust and lies broke down, each young man and woman turned to their neighbor and embraced him or her. They found trust and love in the knowledge of who they really were and from that day on, the tyrant’s power was broken.



The golden soldier then came to the city. Since the young people had never seen anyone like him, they were full of curiosity. They followed him to the plaza in the center of the city. When they were all gathered together, the soldier began to turn slowly and the diamond on his crown began to shine.


The diamond light filled the young people’s eyes and opened them to the light of real wisdom. For the first time, they could see for themselves the difference between truth and falsehood and their pride was melted. Armed with this inner knowledge, they closed their ears to the wicked dictator and listened only to the truth within their hearts.



The golden soldier, having completed these tasks, journeyed on throughout the wide world – helping people set themselves free everywhere he went.



Golden Soldier

Golden is my helmet
Golden is my shield
Golden is my shining sword
That with my strength I wield

Golden is my armor
That bears the sign of God
Golden are my leather boot
As ‘cross the Earth I tread

I also have a golden crown
With jewels are bright as stars
That helps me see what we can be
When hate no longer mars

My crown and helmet stand for truth
My shield for brotherhood
My sword gives strength unto my will
To do what’s right and good

So come with me, my loyal friends
And be a soldier, too
A Golden Soldier brave and strong
Together – me and you

We’ll fight for truth and justice
We’ll fight for good and right
We’ll fight for freedom and for God
We’ll fight with all our might

Whenever strength and might are joined
With healing, hope and love
Our world will ever closer come
To Heaven’s joy above

Christine Natale

To purchase this story as a hardcover, heirloom quality book, 
please visit Christine's author page.